Sabtu, 06 April 2013

I'm back for a while~

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb. :)
Hollaaa~ long time no see right? i miss u all~ :D #hahaha bahong tapi :p
Oke, ini sudah H-16 menghadapi UN ._. sebenarnya lagi bingung sih mau masuk SMA mana ntar ._. masalahnya sekarang dirayonin SMA nya ._. jadi pilihannya:
Rayon 1: 1 - 8- 9
Rayon 2: 3 - 6 - 10
Rayon 3: 2 - 4 - 5 - 7
Yah ini peraturan dari pemerintah se. So i just can accept it without any suggestion ;-;
Yang jelas berarti risu haru belajar lebih rajin-rajin-rajin-rajin lagi ._. kerja extra cuuy!!'-')9

By The Way, akhirnya pembinaan selesai~~ yee bisa pulang siang ^^
TAPIIIII ._. TAPIIIIII ._. TAPIIIII ._. tadi pas pelajaran bi ada pengumuman ketua kelas suruh ke TU, terus begitu Tomo sang commander of 9ENC kembali, ia membaha sebuah kertas. Kertas apakah itu? ternyata kertas itu tentang PONDOK UN -_- dan saat Mastri sang Secretary 1 of 9ENC membagikan kertas edaran bagi nama-nama yang tertera, ternyata namaku tertera disitu -_-
Really really heart breaker you know ._.  tapi dibalik susah pasti ada mudah, dibalik bencana pasti ada berkah~ semoga aja kalau aku jadi ikut pondok un aku dapet nilai un yang buaguuuuus >_<

Oya sebelumnya aku bilang bakal hiatus selama 1 month for focusing to un, but i don't think that it'll take more than 1 month -_- i'm really sorry about that ._. and after this post, i will take a long absence...
I'm really sorry about it, but i MUST do it if i wont my grade became down ._.
and maybe you think my english really WORSE right? i'm sorry about it too ._. I really like english language and want to be master in it, because of that, i often use english than indonesian in this blog. If you don't know what I am say because my poor english, please fix me and forgive me or just PRETEND that you know what i mean ._.v

And for every student who will face national exam like me, good luck and let's fight with fair :)
For 9ENC member, i wish the best for you all >_< you're the best class friends i have ever had ;D
and please pray for me too~ WISH ME LUCK (>_<)9

That's all for now. Thanks for your attention, see you 3-4 month later~
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb. :)

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